However, this study indicates that penis size is also relevant. The findings showed that women preferred taller men with broader shoulders and narrow hips (V-shaped, instead of pear-shaped), which supports earlier research. If you look at the magazine rack in your local newsagent, sooner or later you’ll see an article entitled ‘Does size matter?’ We wanted to answer this age-old question with a valid scientific approach - ” facts not opinions.” “This is a topic that has captured the imagination of people all over the world for a very long time. Michael Jennions, from the ANU Research School of Biology, explained: The females then rated the figures’ sexual attractiveness. The group of researchers showed life-size, computer-generated figures of men that varied in body shape, height, and penis size to 105 women.
The study, conducted by the Australian National University, revealed that the taller the man, the bigger the effect his penis size had on his sex appeal.